Moving On, Looking Back

After almost four years, I say goodbye.

You say that you’re proud of me,

And that my future is bright, so I need not cry.

My time with you was just lovely,

But it’s time for my next degree.

And as this next chapter is approached,

Trust me, when I say, I will never forget you, coach.


Tonights poem is for the dVerse prompt of Rhyme Royal, along with a heavy heart after an excellent conversation with my Pole Vault coach. This summer, I decided to graduate early from my undergraduate program and accept my offer into the Business Analytics graduate program at Michigan State. Meaning that I would no longer be running track (Pole Vaulting) at Aquinas. Though I’m confident in my decision, Coach Morrissey is the only person that I was worried about disappointing. He believed in me from day one and transformed me from an 8 foot pole vaulter to a 12 foot, Nationally ranked, WHAC Conference Champion, NAIA competitor for Aquinas College. We had a special bond from the very beginning and I credit all of my success to him. He helped me through some of the worst times of my life, and I don’t think he even realized it. He gave me the courage and comfort to believe in myself and accomplish things I never thought possible. And after tonight I know that he wholeheartedly supports my decision to graduate early and pursue my career. I will forever be grateful for the impact he has had in my life. It was an honor to compete as his athlete for the last three years.

Tonights Prompt:  “The form consists of seven metrical lines with the rhyme pattern ababbcc. A metrical line has a pattern of accents that sound repetitive both within the line and between the other lines of the poem.”

CLICK HERE for the dVerse Prompt, and other poems!

10 thoughts on “Moving On, Looking Back

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  1. Very nice expression of appreciate and gratitude for your coach. Although I have been out of school for decades there are still teachers I remember fondly. I sometimes think I learned more from them than I did from the course material itself.


  2. I hope you are sharing this post with him! Congratulations to you and best wishes as you pursue your career….it is a leap to jump into that next era of your life…but you’ve succeeded as you’ve gone higher and higher and I’m certain you will with this next move in your life! 🙂


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